Glorious Saint Ann,
I desire to honour you with a special devotion. I choose you, after the Blessed Virgin, as my spiritual mother and protectress. To you I entrust my soul and my body, all my spiritual and temporal interests, as well as those of my family.
To you I consecrate my mind, that in all things, it may be enlightened by faith; my heart, that you may keep it pure and fill it with love for Jesus, Mary, Joseph and yourself; My will that like yours, it may always be one with the Will of God.
Good Saint Ann, filled with love for those who invoke you, and with compassion for those who suffer, I confidently place before you my earnest petition that you bring back all members of my family, relatives, friends and parishioners who have fallen away from the faith… (and now state your intentions silently),
I beg you to recommend my petition to your daughter, the Blessed Virgin Mary, that both Mary and you may present it to Jesus. Through your earnest prayers may my request be granted.
But if what I ask for, should not be according to the Will of God, obtain for me that which will be for the greater benefit of my soul.
By the power and the grace with which God has blessed you, extend to me your helping hand.
But most of all, merciful Saint Ann, I beg you to help me to master my evil inclinations and temptations, and to avoid all occasions of sin.
Obtain for me the grace of never offending God of fulfilling faithfully all the duties of my state of life, and of practicing all those virtues that are needful for my salvation.
Like you, may I belong to God in life and in death through perfect love. And ever having loved and honoured you on earth as a truly devoted child, may I, through your prayers, have the privilege of loving and honouring you in heaven with the Angels and Saints throughout eternity.
Good Saint Ann, mother of her who is our life, our sweetness and our hope, pray through her for me and obtain my request.