“… but Jesus said, ‘Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. ”
— Matthew 19:14.

Children’s Liturgy

A liturgical celebration for children to listen to the Scripture reading of the day at their level of comprehension. Trained volunteers guide the children in prayer with encouragement to develop a relationship with God, leading to a full and active participation in the Mass.

Liturgy of the Word with Children (LWC) is offered during 10 am Sunday Mass most Sundays of the year from September to June. 

We welcome all children ages three and older to participate.

During the Sunday 10am Mass, after Opening Prayer, children are called by the priest to come forward. The Children’s Lectionary is passed to one of the participants and the group is sent with a blessing to reassemble at the Parish Center. The children return to the main assembly to rejoin their families at the Procession of the Gifts so that the congregation is united for the Liturgy of the Eucharist.

LWC is a drop in program – No registration is necessary.  


Who can be a leader for the LWC activity and what is the procedure?
We are currently welcoming all catholic 18 + years older, currently attending St. Ann’s parish, with the desire to join and educate young minds about Catholicism and attending a Sunday mass, and wishing to continue to be a leader for a long term.  This person can join the current LWC meetings and get familiar with the current activities. Current leaders will also save some time for individual meetings to explain step by step and answer any question about it.  

Contact Liturgy of the Word with Children


    What is LWC?
    The LWC – Liturgy of the Word with Children -, also referred to as Children’s Liturgy or LWC, is a celebration of the Liturgy of the Word in a manner related to the lives and experiences of children. It includes the same elements of the Liturgy of the Word as the main assembly including the Readings, a reflection, the Creed, and prayers.
    What happens in a typical Children’s Liturgy session?
    The leader welcomes the children and begins with lighting a candle with a song. Then, after singing Alleluia and from the Children’s Lectionary, they mainly read the Gospel which is shown with graphics and very simple language using a projector. The leader directs the children in an interactive activity based on the Gospel using elements from modern life (i.e. construct posters, coloring graphics to take home to reinforce the message they have heard) to help the children understand. After the Gospel reflection, everyone joins in a simplified Creed and the Prayers of the Faithful (intercessions). The children return to the main assembly during the Offertory and show and talk to the Father about the activity they were doing. It is important that they be present during the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
    Where is the Liturgy of the Word with Children celebrated?
    The children go to the St. Joachim’s room at St. Ann’s, nearby room where they can hear the Word of God, participate in the liturgy and engage in lesson-appropriate movement. Although the children are in a separate room, they are not leaving Mass – just continuing the liturgy elsewhere.
    How do the children join?
    After the Opening Prayer, Father Richard or Father Jaime invites all the children who want to attend Children’s Liturgy to the front of the church. The priest passes the Children’s Lectionary to one of the kids and the leader escorts the children to their place for the Liturgy of the Word.
    What ages are the children who participate?
    Kids of all ages, and parents with babies are all very welcome to participate.
    What is the purpose of Children’s Liturgy?
    Children’s Liturgy is designed to give children a better understanding of the Mass and the readings. It provides a foundation for learning and participation that will remain with them throughout their lives.
    What are some of the benefits of Children’s Liturgy?
    Children welcome the opportunity to go to church every Sunday and attend Children’s Liturgy. They feel welcomed and accepted by the church community. Through LWC, children learn about their faith in a positive, enjoyable way where they actively participate. They learn the rituals and traditions of the Mass.
    Is registration necessary?
    Children are welcome to attend Children’s Liturgy on any Sunday. No registration or payment is required. Parents are free to come and see’ with their children. Volunteers are also always welcome!
    Is Liturgy of the Word with Children babysitting during Mass?
    No. Liturgy of the Word with Children is liturgy. It is part of the Mass. It is not babysitting, child-minding or daycare. Its focus is on the Readings, the living Word of God. The children do what the rest of the community is doing during this part of the Mass. They listen to scripture; learn how it applies to their lives and how they may respond; they participate in a simplified Creed; and join together in prayer.