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LENT is about to start. Imposition of ashes is the Church’s penitential act by which we are reminded of God’s greatness and as a commitment on our part to turn to God in faith and action. Lent is a Liturgical Season that calls us to conversion, a sincere change of heart, the renewing of our lives by avoiding near occasions of sin. It is about setting our will on serving God in our brothers and sisters.

Holy Scripture takes us on a journey of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Amazing stories are recounted on God’s mercy and how His people opened their lives to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit. Biblical characters and real friends of God are also offered as faith and discipleship models.

Just like going to the gym offers us corporal fitness, a series of exercises for spiritual strength are e effective ways for growth and for redirecting our lives on the path of salvation. During Lent we are used to “give up treats of life” to think of those who are less fortunate or who suffer some kind of physical or material need. That is an excellent project because it takes us from focusing too much on ourselves to turn our attention on others.

Give up “attitudes” as well. Try, for example, stop gossiping, judging, hating and mistreating others. Do acts of kindness and charity! Spend less time on social media and jump on to “quality me” in visiting the elderly, imprison or bedridden; in dialoguing or sharing with relatives and neighbor.

Let me now list some of our Parish activities during Lent: Daily Mass attendance, Meditation on the Way of the Cross and Sacramental Confession. Invite God into your life through Biblical Meditation, silent retreat or other pious activities that will lead to a Spiritual Renewal. A PARISH LENTEN MISSION, preached by Fr Patrick Murphy, CS, will take place on Monday 25th, Tuesday 26th and Wednesday 27th of March. Morning (8:00 am) and evening Mass (7:00 pm), talk, and opportunity for Confession or Spiritual Direction will be part of the agenda. Fr Patrick will also preach on weekend Masses.

Our PARISH PENANCE SERVICE will be on Friday, April 12 at 7:00 pm. Let us keep in our prayers those who, on Easter Vigil, will be welcomed into the Church and receive the Sacraments of Christian Initiation.

Having all these initiatives in mind, let us walk toward the Lord.


Fr. Eduardo