Why are we called to pray for the dead?
By Fr. Hien Nguyen WHY ARE WE CALLED TO PRAY FOR THE DEAD? The souls in Purgatory are completely engaged with the beautiful yet difficult cleansing of themselves, to be…
What is “The Communion of Saints”?
By Fr. Hien Nguyen WHAT IS “THE COMMUNION OF SAINTS”? The “communion of saints” that we profess in the Apostle’s and Nicene creeds, is also known as “the Church” –…
What is Indulgence?
By Fr. Hien Nguyen For the next several weeks there will be information regarding the meaning of Halloween, Holy Souls, Triduum, Indulgences, Funerals and Scattering. WHAT IS AN INDULGENCE? If…
What is Halloween really all about?
By Fr. Hien Nguyen The term Halloween comes from All Hallows’ Eve. A ‘hallow’ is a saint, and therefore this celebration is the anticipation of All Saints’ Day (also known…
A focus on vocations to the priesthood – 4.1 Youth
By Fr. Hien Nguyen Over the past 10 years, the youth of the Archdiocese of Vancouver have matured spiritually. Those who work directly with them on the diocesan level and…
A focus on vocations to the priesthood – 4.2 Young Adults
By Fr. Hien Nguyen For the college-aged Young Adults, we do not have a collective effort to provide a faith formation for them. At the moment, the campus ministry is…
A focus on vocations to the priesthood – 3. The Environment of the Family
3.1 The State of the Family Blessed John Paul II in his encyclical addressing to the family reminds us that “since the Creator of all things has established the conjugal…
A focus on vocations to the priesthood – 2.2 Maturity & Commitment
It is so common to hear complaints coming from vocation directors or religious directors that the problem of young people today is that they cannot make a commitment. They are…
A focus on vocations to the priesthood – 1.2 Vocation Crisis
During the post- Vatican II years, there was a decline in vocations with the aging of the members of religious orders combined with the increase of priests leaving the ministries…
A focus on vocations to the priesthood – Particular Church of Vancouver
History The Archdiocese of Vancouver was just the mission outpost started by the Oblates of Mary Immaculate in the 1800s. The diocese humble beginning started from the Vicariate Apostolic of…