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CWL – 2018 Diocesan Bursary Application

The Catholic Women’s League of Canada, Vancouver Diocesan Council announces 2018 Diocesan Bursaries for high school students graduating this year and attending their first year of post-secondary education. Two bursaries of $1000 each will be awarded to daughters or sons of CWL members in the Archdiocese of Vancouver. Bursary application deadlines are March 31st. Other bursaries that are available for CWL members and their families thru the diocesan, provincial and national levels are as follows: The Molly Boucher Bursary, The BC and Yukon Life Members Art and Culture Bursary and The National Bursary. We have some application forms for this event on the CWL pamphlet holder on the shelf by the parish office or simply download the application from the website. For criteria, guidelines and application forms, please see the links below:

Diocesan Bursary Information Chart: https://vancouvercwl.ca/diocesan-bursary-information-chart/

2018 Diocesan Bursary Application Form: https://vancouvercwl.ca/bursary-application-vancouver-diocesan-council/

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A focus on vocations to the priesthood – Vocation Culture in the Family

By Fr. Hien Nguyen

2.2 Prayer 

Ritual and tradition are also important to the education of faith and these can be long lasting memories that the member of families continue to treasure and celebrate for years to come and even from one generation to the next. As already mentioned, the family can get together to celebrate the Feast Day of the Patron Saint of the family members with Mass, a meal, a cake, etc. just to highlight the day. It is also important to participate in the liturgical celebration of the Church such as making the Advent Wreath together with the four candles and light them according to each week during prayer time in anticipating for the coming of the Lord, and follow by the putting up and decorating the Christmas tree and the Manger. To celebrate the saints on All Saints day and the day of the Faithful departed by taking the family to visit the cemetery and pray for the dead (loved ones). During Lent, the family can participate in the stations of the cross together and to emphasis on the self-denial element. All these are beautiful practices that help the family members to live the faith and to hand on the traditions of the Church and the family.

One of the common complaints from parents is that their children do not want to go to Church anymore. They find it “boring” and an obligation. They rather go shopping, or to a theatre, a concert, a hockey game, etc. It is crucial for parents to help them understand the meaning of the Eucharist, that when they go to Mass, they participate in the sacrificial love that Christ has done for us. Their going is an act of love and thanksgiving to all the blessings God has blessed them. When a family makes this a priority family activity on Sunday, to pick a time and go together, it will encourage the young to come for worship with the parish community and the universal Church. There are also events in the parish community where there is Eucharistic Adoration that the family can also participate and expose the children to acquire the taste of the bliss of heaven here on earth. The sacraments must be the key and backbone of the family life that accentuate by each of the member going through the process of receiving the sacraments such as Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation, Matrimony, Ordination, etc. The family members can cherish these highlighted celebrations for generations through pictures and stories that shared.


When I think of what has helped me in my growing up years to know God better and to deepen my faith, I would say that they are the examples of my parents. I remember how every evening they gathered us together and led us into prayer. Every Sunday, I was looking forward to go to Mass together and on our way home having a treat at the bakery store. They were beautiful, peak moments of living out the faith. There is no better teaching method than examples from parents. As we have discussed on this issue in the first chapter by the survey done by the UNC, how parents’ influence at home becomes crucial to the faith practice of their children. Another study in Switzerland reaffirmed this point:

If both parents attended church regularly, 33 percent of their children would end up as regular churchgoers and 41 percent would attend irregularly. Only a quarter will not practice at all. Perhaps most important was the finding that if the mother practices and the father does not, only 2 percent of the children will become regular worshippers, while 37 percent will practice irregularly. But 60 percent will be lost to the church.


Advokate Life & Education Services, a registered charity with headquarters in Abbotsford, BC, is looking for a motivated individual to assist the Manager of Administration with bookkeeping, payroll, and general administrative tasks. This is a part-time, permanent position with potential to move to full time. The position pays $20/hr at 20-24 hrs/week. Visit advokate.ca/get-involved/employment-opportunities for more information or email info@advokate.ca.

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A focus on vocations to the priesthood – Vocation Culture in the Family – Prayer

By Fr. Hien Nguyen

2. Vocation Culture in the Family

2.2 Prayer

The only way our children can hear God’s call is to know how to listen to God and to talk to God, or simply to pray. How can we expect our children to hear when they are “deaf” and to talk when they are “dumb”? We need to teach them to communicate with God, and an effective way is to gather as a family and pray. There are families that get together every evening, light a candle, say the Confiteor, the Creed, a decade of the Rosary, and conclude with a period of silence. The whole duration only takes about seven minutes which will not be a burden for the young (babies) and prolong the interest for the old (teenagers). The practice of family praying together will develop a habit for the children to pray and learn how to pray even on their own.

The family can also help the members to appreciate and enter more deeply into the Sacred Words of God through sharing stories particularly of the Bible and the Saints. Stories telling are an effective way to communicate specially to the young. Their natural curiosity and imagination absorb what being read or told. Pictures are also a good method to share with them about the faith that can express thousand of words and imprint in them long-lasting memories. I still remember not only stories about my patron saint that my parents told me but also the patron saints of my siblings that I also heard. Every feast-day, we celebrate our patron saints like a birthday celebration with a special meal, a cake, and Mass. Currently, we replaced birthdays with parties and gifts and teaching our children to indulge and consume. I still remember the exciting Bible story of Joseph and how he rescued his brothers and family; Moses’ escape and walk through the Red Sea; the miracle of water being changed into wine; the multiplication of bread and fish; Peter walking on the water, etc. Parents should encourage the children to read by making Catholic Bibles available to them. Parents must provide books and magazines that exemplify the lives of the saints who can inspire the children to follow their footsteps and make them their role models. There are Catholic Bibles trivia games that the family can spend time together at recreation for a fun learning experience.

Another way to help the children immerse in Sacred Scripture is to have the Breaking of the Word. Parents can simply spend fifteen minutes in one of the evenings during the week and instead of having evening prayer together use the Sunday Mass Gospel to have the family listen. Afterwards, allow each member to share their life experience in the light of the Gospel. In this way, the children are prepared and look forward to the Sunday Mass. This is an opportunity to help the children to understand better about the teaching of the Church through the Word and its application in life

Symbolism also helps instill in the family members the significant meaning it represents. Just like sacrament and sacramental are visible signs of the hidden realities that give grace. It is important then to have in the home these sacred signs. There should be a place in the home where a small altar or shrine dedicated to be a worshipping place, a prayer center (a focal point) where family can get together to pray each day. A cross, a statue, a painting that reminds us of the Lord, our Mother, and the saints are strongly encouraged. Each room should have a cross and other helpful sacramentals such as a blessed palm, a rosary, an icon, a bible, etc. These will remind us of the significant meanings that inspire us to live our faith. I remember one of my younger brother favourite things was to light the candle on the home shrine before family prayer and blow it out afterward. Another beautiful sign of sacramental is a cross-chain, a scapular, a religious medal that one can wear on the body to be inspired. We need to bring back sacred signs into our family home and life. It is unfortunate to see that the religious symbols in the home have been replaced by the contemporary signs of prosperity and commercialism: wide, flat screened Televisions, computers, immodest arts, etc.

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Let’s welcome the Yazaji Family to St. Ann’s Parish

We welcome the refugee family sponsored by St. Ann’s Parish from Syria. They arrived at Vancouver Airport on Thursday, February 8th, 2018.

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A focus on vocations to the priesthood – Vocation Culture in the Family

By Fr. Hien Nguyen

2. Vocation Culture in the Family

2.1 Domestic Church: The Foundation

Pope John Paul II in many of his writings and homilies has mentioned numerously that “the Christian family is the first place where vocations develop. It is a seminary or novitiate in germ.” In light of this it is vital for families to nurture, encourage, and promote vocations. Pope J.P. II described the family in his writings often as the domestic Church where the parents have the responsibility and right through their union of love give birth to their children and provide them the basic rights, needs, faith and charity in cooperation with God to build His kingdom. In the Apostolic Exhortation Familiaris Consortio Pope J.P. II expressed this point beautifully:

For Christian parents the mission to educate, a mission rooted, as we have said, in their participation in God’s creating activity, has a new specific source in the sacrament of marriage, which consecrates them for the strictly Christian education of their children: that is to say, it calls upon them to share in the very authority and love of God the Father and Christ the Shepherd, and in the motherly love of the Church, and it enriches them with wisdom, counsel, fortitude and all the other gifts of the Holy Spirit in order to help the children in their growth as human beings and as Christians.

It is in this domestic Church where a child is first developed and learned the basic human dignity. Home is not intrinsically the physical building but the foundation that builds through the members of the family. “It is here that the father of the family, the mother, children, and all members of the family exercise the priesthood of the baptized in a privileged way by the reception of the sacraments, prayer and thanksgiving, the witness of a holy life, and self-denial and active charity. Thus the home is the first school of Christian life and a school for human enrichment. Here one learns endurance and the joy of work, fraternal love, generous – even repeated – forgiveness, and above all divine worship in prayer and the offering of one’s life.”

There are two necessary and immediate steps we can take to foster the vocation culture in the family. First, we need to teach our children to pray. Second, we need to help our children to cultivate a spirit of willingness to make a sacrifice and self-denial. To be continued

John Paul II, Homily in Pune – Apostolic Pilgrimage to India, February 10, 1986,7.

Vatican Council II, Dogmatic Constitution on the Church Lumen Gentium, ed. Flannery,

A., New York 1996, 362, n.11.

John Paul II, Familiaris Consortio, Rome November 22, 1981, n. 38.

The Catechism of Catholic Church, New York 1994, 462, n. 1657.

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A focus on vocations to the priesthood – Theocentric / Rational-Spiritual Level / Unitative

By Fr. Hien Nguyen

Theocentric / Rational-Spiritual Level / Unitative

This purgation was even more profound when they escaped from Vietnam by boat and became a refugee in Indonesia under the protection of the United Nations. John began to walk a new journey in his life of faith.

It was providential that God allowed these experiences to happen to him and his family. The moment John learned to let go was also the same moment when he started to trust God more. He started to discover the meaning of life, its purpose and its end. He experienced the lasting happiness was his God who is “above all health and beauty, above all glory and honour, above all power and dignity, above all knowledge and subtlety, above all riches and arts, above all joy and exultations, above all hope and promise, above all merit and desire, above all gifts and graces…”

During this period of John’s life, he started to be transformed and entered into what Lonergan called the Religious Conversion. It was a “total and permanent self-surrender without condi ons, quali ca ons, reserva ons.” John Terminal Value became God and other values such as: charity, obedience, hope, faith, chas ty, etc. became the Instrumental Values (means).

John began to look outward to others and upward to God. He desired to do good for others and to choose for the sake of others and God (not because he has to but because he wants to). He started to go to Church not because of his parents’ desire but because he personally loves God. He experienced God’s mercy and love for him and his family. John started to pray not just as an obligation but because he wanted to. It gave him joy and consolation.

Living this relationship with God in the integration of the objective and subjective was not easy. There were occasions of temptations to return to his subjectivism. To make a choice out of love toward the Objective pole (God) require the letting go of the actual self or to make the self part of the objective pole. Like Van Thuan Xavier, the Servant of God, who said in his writing, The Road of Hope, “the choice is between holiness and sin. In many instances, holiness or sin is the result of victory or defeat in one moment requiring sacrifice. And if you wish to avoid suffering, do not expect to become a saint.” To choose God and His will require tremendous sacrifices. It is the choosing of the Cross – the development of Orthopathy – where “satisfaction or renunciation, acceptance or refusal, expression or control, when to cope with or confront the potentialities, the needs, the desires and the emotions on one side, but also the meanings, the reasons, the horizons of possibility for these dynamic choices; these become the eld of encounter of every personal and free motivation.”

T. Kempis, Imitation of Chris, Transl. M. Nazarene 2008, 122.
B. Lonergan, Method in Theology, 240.
T. V. Nguyen, The Road of Hope, Boston 2001, 38, n. 172

John learned to be more available and ready (willingness). He assimilated the way of humility. He discovered the meaning of submission and “seek not my own will, but the will of Him who sent me” Jn 4:34. With this attitude, he responded to God’s call to a life of service, self giving, and of sanctification. He answered the Lord’s calling by entering the seminary for his formation.

It was during the time in the seminary that John found the object of his desire was the Lord. The substance of his life is love. The mode of his action was the Grace of Christ in the Spirit. The condition of his action was total and free for the kingdom. He perceived that “if I love heaven, I love to think of heavenly things. If I love the world I rejoice at the prosperity of the world. If I love the flesh, my imagination is often on the things of the flesh. If I love the spirit, I enjoy thinking of spiritual things. For whatsoever things I love, of the same I love to speak and hear, and carry home with me the images of such.” Therefore John increasingly loved God. The bond of his rela onship with Him grew stronger and closer. He desired the Lord more and more. He began to thirst for Him and hunger for His truth. He immersed himself in His Words and the sacraments. “[he] had rather be poor for [God] sake, than rich without [Him]. [John] prefer to sojourn upon earth with [God] than to possess heaven without [Him]. It was through this experience of his rela onship with the Lord that helped him have the courage to con nue to walk in the discernment period and to respond to the call of “come follow me!” Lk 18:22.

I want to include this real life story in this chapter to give us a perspective of how a young person responding to God with all the dimensions integrated together. The story provides us the structure and helps us understand the human dynamic of what we need to do to create and promote a Vocation culture.

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Mercy & Beyond: Sharing Our Joy!

Mercy and Beyond: Sharing our Joy is the theme of the 2018 ONE Conference, and we will hear from two remarkable keynote speakers who have inspired thousands of people to receive God’s mercy and share His joy with others.

Saturday, Feb. 10

Chandos Pattison Auditorium

Pacific Academy, 10238 168 St, Surrey, B.C.

The annual ONE Conference brings 1,000 parish and ministry leaders from across Catholic Vancouver together to connect, learn and inspire each other.

Our speakers and exhibitors are excited to see you.
They wanted to introduce themselves a little – read more below!

If you’ve registered, you should have received your e-ticket. Invite your friends to come too!
If you haven’t received your e-ticket yet, please let us know at one@rcav.org.


For more information visit: www.onecatholic.ca

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Silent Retreat for Men: Spiritual Exercises with Miles Christi

MEN’S SPIRITUAL EXERCISES RETREAT. March 16-18. Total cost is $230 Canadian. Retreat is Westminster Abbey, Mission, BC. This is a silent retreat designed for spiritual discernment and formation. Everyone will have the opportunity for confession and spiritual direction with the priests of Miles Christi from San Diego, CA. Email adultfaith@stannsabbotsford.ca for a registration form.


Returning for a 3rd year (6th retreat): the priests of Miles Christi will be in Canada to offer their signature Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius. Two priests to work directly with the retreatants in this silent retreat. Space is very limited and all retreats have sold out early so register early to avoid disappointment.

“Spiritual retreats are particular graces, they are privileged opportunities, where the soul, separated from the busyness of daily life, may dispose itself to listen to God, place itself under the direction of the Holy Spirit, and totally correct itself to establish the Kingdom of Jesus Christ in it, in order to love Him and serve Him more.

“Among all spiritual retreats, we give clear preference to the Ignatian Exercises, received by the Saint of Loyola from the hands of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the cave at Manresa. In fact, the Spiritual Exercises have always received the greatest praises of the Church, thanks to the excellence of their spiritual doctrine, the sheer simplicity of adapting them to all types of individuals, the organic unity of its parts, and the methodical, clear, and admirable order of its meditations. They are, without doubt, a most powerful weapon of spiritual combat, of effective strength, in order to convert souls to God and lead them to greater divine service” (Miles Christi Constitutions 40-41).

Cost: $230 (private room, all meals)
Financial help may be possible. Please inquire with application

Here is the link to register: https://goo.gl/forms/xRDyYm1CfxrdVAqk1

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A focus on vocations to the priesthood – Philanthropic Stage / Psycho-social / Illumination

By Fr. Hien Nguyen

Philanthropic Stage / Psycho-social / Illumination

An unexpected purification came when the war between the Communist from the North and the Republic from the South ended on April 30, 1975. The Communist officially took control of the whole country. John’s father who was a politician for the Republic in the South went in hiding and avoided concentration camp. When his parents recognized the danger, they decided to leave everything behind, packed the essentials, and took the children to a rice farm in the Southern part of Vietnam near the Mekong River. There they changed their names and lived on God’s providence.

A senior couple who had an empty dilapidated home on their farm allowed the family to temporarily use it. They started a new life all over again. In the desolation of not able to keep their identities, to go to school, to go to Church, they began to doubt the love of God. John’s family lived in fear of the communists, fear of how they could find food for the next day, fear of being arrested, fear of losing their love ones, fear of losing their own lives.

Everyday John’s task was to go with his brothers to catch fish or to go into the forest to trap birds for food. His sister would walk along the river to find vegetation. His mother and father scattered through fields to collect unwanted rice stocks. It was a time where they were in hunger and thirst; in cold and nakedness; in labour and weariness; in persecutions and many reproaches. However, it was in these circumstances that John learned the meaning of detachment. That life was more than just what he could gain and accumulate. He discovered happiness was not only to fulfill his wants, but instead it was what he can do for others.

It was when they were “strip naked” of their lives that they realized the needs of others and how others also needed them. The activities became actions and behaviour toward others. “The motivation force behind these behaviours is the awareness of our own limitations and our insufficiency as persons, which makes us aware of our need for others.”

What was important to John of his actual-self: manifest self, latent self, and social self were stripped away. What he was considered to be his values, needs, motivations, affections were all robbed by the communist. But through this purging John grew through a Moral Conversion that “changes the criterion of [his] decisions and choices from satisfactions to values, even for value against satisfaction when value and satisfaction conflict.”

During the difficult time hiding from the communist, John had different responsibilities with his family to support his parents to keep the family together. He began to shift his values toward Institutional ideal. Here it was “the demands of the role of what the institution proposes to [him]; so it is the total of the expectations, demands and requests others make on [him].” At this period, what become important to John were family bond, education, freedom, and faith. His Ideal-self or more particular his personal ideal was to become a good self-giving person with an education to help and free those who are suffering in his country. Obviously the dialectic between these personal ideal-self and his actual circumstances self-made it hard to come to realization because of the limitation created by the Communists. John was not free.

5. A. Cencini – A. Manenti, A, Psychology and formation: Structures and Dynamic, 21.

6. B. Lonergan, Method in Theology, 240.

7. A. Cencini – A. Manenti, Psychology and formation: Structures and Dynamic, 175.

His relationship with God at this time was not consistent. God to him was more of an Intuitional ideal because for John He was more of a set of “do-s and don’t-s”. He was the God that John met when he was able to go to Church with his family or the God that he talked to when it came to family prayer time. John manipulated his God and loves Him when what he asked was being answered and hated Him when things were not going well. It was dialectic between the subjective “me” and the objective God that John wanted to be in control and not God. The actual self was still dominating in John.

To be continue next week

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A focus on vocations to the priesthood – 1.3 A Story, a Perspective, a Development of a Call

By Fr. Hien Nguyen

1.3 A Story, a Perspective, a Development of a Call (continuation of Vocation’s reflection by Fr. Hien)

Here I would like to share a story and an experience of a person I know well who is called John to illustrate the faith that he has encountered and his vocation journey through the process of human and spiritual development in the dialectic union between his subjective self and the objective God. I will divide the story into three different stages and intertwine the encounter with means, conversions, method, structure, etc.

Egocentric Stage / Psycho-physiological / Purgation

John was a child born during the time when South Vietnam was thriving with the aid of the American. He lived a life of luxury with its conveniences. He had the best quality food that one could find in the region. In his home there were two servants who attended to the family needs. John had his own driver who drove him to day care school and picked him up afterwards. His concerns were focused on having good health, study well, eat well, sleep well, and enjoy whatever he wanted. His life could be a summarization of “riches, friends, stature, beauty, talents, etc.

Like many people, John sought for happiness in the lowest stage of the development of a human being. It was only on the appetitive, and instinctive level. He looked for immediate gratification. He lived on the psycho-physiological level that “covers the psychic activities strictly linked to the physical states of well-being or discomfort determined by the satisfaction or non-satisfaction of some fundamental physiological needs of the organism.” His happiness measured by the amount of consumption of material goods. John’s self-esteem based on his talents, success in his studies, and looks. His self-image depended upon his popularity with peers and others. It was a life of indulgence and the “I” was the priority. His values are all his actual needs and religion was an activity like school that he did and nothing more. There is no desire for God but an obligation from his parents.

John was the replica of the age where Pope John Paul II has already prophesized that “supplies material goods not just in order that they may serve man to carry out creative and useful activities, but more and more… to satisfy the senses, the excitement he derives from them, momentary pleasure, an ever greater multiplicity of sensations.” It was ever more evident on the effect and the result of what our Holy Father was so worried about. The children of this time develop to be “the child who lives only on sensations, he looks for ever-new sensations… And thus he becomes, without realizing it, a slave of this modern passion. Satiating himself with sensations, he often remains passive intellectually; the intellect does not open to search of truth; the will remains bound by habit which it is unable to oppose.”

In our field of study one can identify John’s “ego” through the functions of corporal sense, appreciation, expansion, self-image, proprium, and self-identity. All the functions and symbols described perfectly who John was and what his values were. They are supposed to be mediation values but instead became the terminal values. Life was based on the foundation of utilitarian and individualistic.

1. A. Cencini – A. Manenti, Psychology and formation: Structures and Dynamics,20.

2. John Paul II, General Audience, Wednesday, 21 March 1979, 2.

3. John Paul II, General Audience, Wednesday, 21 March 1979, 2.

4. A. Cencini

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